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Codes, Policies & Bylaws

The City recognizes the importance of protecting and preserving its historic resources, such as buildings, both those that now have historic importance and those that will gain historic significance over time.  This is implemented through preservation planning, restoration and design guidelines.   This overriding objective has enabled the City to pursue and receive designation as a state of Washington Certified Local Government [CLG].  

Dayton Historic Preservation Commission (DHPC). The City established the DHPC through Resolution No. 951 on July 14, 1992.  This involved an appointed commission that assists in the preparation of plans and ordinances, for the protection of local historic resources. The commission also seeks restoration-producing incentives for the public, provides preservation oriented public education, conducts a periodic survey of Dayton’s historic resources, and advises the City in historic preservation matters.

The City then adopted Ordinance 1544 on November 10, 1992, its first historic preservation ordinance to carry out this mission. 

  • Dayton Municipal Code (DMC) 5-18 - Historic Preservation.  Subsequently, there have been five revisions which have been codified into DMC 5-18.  They are:
    • 1998 - Ord. 1620 - Historic Building Code
    • 2001 - Ord. 1656 - 2-/13/2001 - Establishing Districts
    • 2008 - Ord. No. 1768 – 3/24/2008 - Demolition
    • 2009 - Ord. No. 1785 -8/10/2009 - Dayton Local Registry South Side Historic District
    • 2016 - Ord. No. 1899 - 8/15/2016 - Removal of residential, local register historic districts (WSHD & SSHD). 
    • 2018 - Ord. No. 1935 - 05/15/2018 - Entire code update

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