The City of Dayton maintains and operates the Dayton City Cemetery. It is situated off of both Mustard Street (Eckler Mountain Road) and Lee Street in Dayton, WA.
For specific information on the purchase of cemetery sections, miscellaneous interment information or funeral arrangements please contact:
Connie Westergreen
111 S. 1st Street
Dayton, WA 99328
Email Connie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cemetery Services and Fees:
Burial Section Transfer Fee | $65.00 |
Burial Section/Space | $1,050.00 |
Cemetery Endowment (perpetual care fee) | $70.00 |
Open and Closing Costs: | |
a. Cremation Interment (Monday - Thursday) | $280.00 |
b. Cremation Interment (Friday - Saturday) | $345.00 |
c. Casket Interment (Monday - Thursday) | $530.00 |
d. Casket Interment (Friday - Saturday) | $860.00 |
*Winter Charges: December 1-February 29, Casket add $105.00, Cremation add $55.00 |
Disinterment: | |
a. Cremation (Monday - Thursday only) | $360.00 |
b. Casket (Monday - Thursday only) | $940.00 |
Set up:
Cremation Interment includes: 2 small greens and chairs.
Casket Interment includes: Greens, chairs, lowering device and tent during inclement weather
- Number of interments allowed in each section = 1 casket plus one (1) urn or two (2) urns.
- Interments must be scheduled for a time between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
- Request for service must be 48 business hours prior to burial.
- Urns must be a solid non-biodegradable sealed container.
- All caskets need to be in a liner or vault. Liner and vaults are sold through a private company of your choice.
Headstones need to be approved by Public Works Director/Cemetery Sexton prior to placement.