Utilities & More


The City provides water and sewer services. You can make application for services by contacting Dayton City Hall, 111 S. 1st St., Dayton, WA, 509-382-2361 or by emailing a completed application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (services will not be connected until all fees and charges are paid in full).      

After my application is accepted and all charges and fees are paid in full, how do I get my services turned on/connected?  Make arrangements through Dayton City Hall for the date you would like to have your services turned on. The water service may need to be turned on at the meter.  The Public Works Department performs water meter turn ons daily beginning at 3:00 p.m.  You or a representative must be present for the City to turn your services on at the meter.  If you or a representative is not present, your utility services will not be reconnected at that time. Please be advised that it is illegal for anyone other than a City Official to turn on a water service at the meter and may be punishable by a fine. Please do not tamper with the City's meter.  

What does it cost to turn on/connect to an existing utility services?  Customer is required to pay the first month's bill plus a Reconnection (Turn-on) Charge prior to services being activated.   

Reconnection (Turn-on) Charge:

  • Voluntary*:                           $25.00
  • After hours (after 4:30 p.m.): $75.00

*Voluntary connection - Scheduled turn-on between customer and City. 

How much is my monthly bill? Customers are charged a monthly base rate fee for water and sewer utility services.  The base rate fee is determined by considering the following factors, including, but not limited to: water meter size, whether it’s residential or commercial in nature, type of commercial activities, if the services are located inside or outside city limits and the total number of units on site.  The water and sewer base rate fees purchase 800 cubic feet per month.  

Per the 2024 City of Dayton Budget as adopted by the Dayton City Council on December 5, 2023 the utility rates are being increased effective January 1, 2024.

Please find below a summarized breakdown of the changes in the utility bills. 

   City Residents County Residents Business Customers


Water Utility Tax:





Same as rates for city or county


Sewer Utility Tax:





Email City Hall for full fee schedule:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Basic Monthly Totals:




Please contact Dayton City Hall at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. 

When is my water and sewer utility bill due?  Water and Sewer Utility bills are due the 15th of each month and become delinquent after 4:00 p.m. on the 20th (or the next business day). Any bill received after 4:00 p.m. on the 20th of the month will be assessed a $15 late fee.  

Where do I pay my water and sewer utility bill?  You can pay your bill: 

  • NOW AVAILABLE! Pay online.
  • At Dayton City Hall, 111 S. 1st St., Dayton, WA 99328 - Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., or
  • By placing it in the drop box located along the alley that is adjacent to Dayton City Hall.  Please note, payments will be processed the next business date following deposit of your payment into the drop box.

When are our water meters read?  Water meters are read during the spring, summer and fall months (April – October) around the 15th - 20th of each month.  

The City does not read residential meters during the months of November – March.  Any water usage volumes above the allotted 800 cubic feet during these months will be billed on the April 1 billing cycle. 

Will my landlord receive a copy of my monthly utility bill?  Yes, the City provides the property owner or designee with a copy of the tenant’s monthly billing statement. 
Effective 1/1/25, All new tenants will no longer be responsible. All accounts will be placed in and the responsibility of the property owner.

How do I disconnect my water and sewer services and get the account out of my name?

You must submit a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have any other questions regarding your water and sewer utility services or account please contact Dayton City Hall, 111 S. 1st Street, Dayton, WA 99328, 509-382-2361, or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Utility Discount Program


To qualify, applicants must:

  • Reside in a residential dwelling unit serviced by the City of Dayton for water and/or sewer utilities; and,
  • Be a person whose name appears on the utility bill; and,
  • Be 62 years of age or older OR is permanently disabled and can provide proof of such disability; and,
  • For 50% off utility rates - have an annual household income at or below 125% of the 2021 federal poverty level indicated; or,
  • For 20% off utility rates - have an annual household income between 125.01% - 150% of the federal poverty level guidelines.

The City of Dayton has partnered with Blue Mountain Action Council to assist in the facilitation of this program. For additional information, please contact Dayton City Hall at 509-382-2361 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Water is a limited and critical resource. The City of Dayton is committed to safeguarding the community's water resources and strives to meet or exceed all quality standards. The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act and the State of Washington requires an annual water quality report, which we publish once annually and post online for review. The reports contain exceptionally important information, including ways you can help keep our drinking water safe and clean. 



As prescribed in Section 4-6.12 of the Dayton Municipal Code (DMC), every owner or occupant of any premise or apartment within the limits of the City of Dayton and as defined in Section 4.4.04 DMC is hereby required to use the garbage collection and disposal system provided by Basin Disposal, Inc. (BDI).  If you are new to Dayton, please contact Basin Disposal, Inc. at 509.547.2476 to set up refuse collection services and to learn about their services in detail.

2021 Public Legal Notice - BDI Solid Waste Collection Rates

RECYCLING SERVICES (These services have been suspended)

Recycling services are provided through Columbia County.  For detailed information regarding recycling services please contact the Columbia County Public Works Department at 509-382-2534.