Dog Licenses

Dog License Required

No person or persons at any one residence within the jurisdiction shall at any one time own or license more than three dogs. Licenses are renewable annually through January 31. License(s) purchased after January 31 are assessed a late penalty/fee. New residents must license their dog(s) within 30 days from date of residency or late fees will be assessed.


  • Lost pets are returned home. If someone finds your pet roaming the neighborhood and makes a report, we will call you to help ensure your pet makes it home.
  • A Ride Home. Animal Control Officers make every effort to return licensed animals while in the field preventing your pet from coming to the shelter.  Impound fees may apply.
  • Worry-free Vacations. You can notify the City when you are going to be on vacation and someone else is caring for your pet. Simply call City of Dayton at 509-382-2361 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know how long you’re going to be gone and who we to contact should your pet be found.
  • Contact in Case of Emergency. Helps veterinarians locate and contact you should your pet become injured and in need of life-saving medical treatment.

Dog License Fees:

Spayed Female dog $30.00
Neutered Male dog $30.00
Fertile Female dog $40.00
Fertile Male dog $40.00
Trained Guide Dogs Exempt
Dogs classified as dangerous $520.00

Miscellaneous Fees
Replacement Tags $10.00
Late Penalty/Fee $30.00


Download Application (pdf). Mail it with the license fee payment to the address on the form. Remember to include the rabies and/or spay/neuter certificate if applicable.