ZOOM - November 12, 2020 Agenda
Dayton City CouncilRegular MeetingThursday, November 12, 2020, 6:00 pmPreliminary Agenda Packet A. Call to order 1. Roll CallB. Approval of agenda 1. ACTION: Consider authorizing 11/12/2020 City Council Agenda as presentedC. Public CommentD. Public Hearing 1. To review and receive comment on proposed revenue sources including a proposed 1%To review and receive comment on proposed revenue sources including a proposed 1%increase in property taxes as part of the City of Dayton 2021 Preliminary Budget as presented by the Mayor to the Dayton City Council on October 5, 2020.E. Consent Agenda - Action 1. Approval of October 14, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes 2. Approval of Claims Voucher Warrants as audited by the Finance Committee=$148,577.87 3. Approval of Payroll Voucher Warrants for October 2020=$97,858.77F. Items for Council - Consideration/Action 1. Consider Resolution No. 1445, authorizing a 1% increase in property tax levy for fiscal year 2. Consider Resolution No. 1446, authorizing the CR 2(A) Agreement between the City and County pertaining to law enforcement, dispatch, and municipal court servicesG. Mayor reports/commentsH. Standing committee reports/commentsI. Department reportsJ. Unfinished businessK. New businessL. Final public commentM. Adjournment Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82712463341 Meeting ID: 827 1246 3341 One tap mobile+12532158782,,82712463341# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)