11 - November 13, 2019 Agenda
Dayton City Council
Regular Meeting - Preliminary Agenda
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
6:00 pm
112 S. 1st St., Dayton, WA 99328
The November 13, 2019 regular meeting will be held at 112 S. 1st Street, Dayton, WA 99328 (across from City Hall at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Parish Hall) at 6:00 p.m.
Oversized Attachments (not included in agenda packet):
2020 Preliminary Budget (agenda items 3A & 3B)
Ord. 1955, 1956, & 1957 - Exhibit A, Comprehensive Plan staff report (agenda items 5B (ii - iv))
Ord. 1955 - Exhibit B, Final Draft 2019 Comprehensive Plan (agenda item 5B (ii))
Ord. 1956 - Exhibit B, Chapter 10-05 Amendments (agenda item 5B (iii))
Ord. 1957 - Exhibit B, Title 11 Amendments (agenda item 5B (iv))
1. Call to order
A. Roll call
2. Consent agenda - recommended action
A. Approve City Council minutes of:
i. Sept. 11, 2019
ii. Sept. 23, 2019
iii. Oct. 16, 2019
B. Approve voucher warrants as audited by the Finance committee
C. Approve payroll warrants for Oct. 31, 2019
3. Special guests and public comment
A. Public hearing - to review and receive comment on proposed revenue sources including a 1% increase in property taxes in support of the City of Dayton 2020 Preliminary budget
i. ACTION: Consider authorizing resolution No. 1397, authorizing property tax revenue pursuant to RCW 84.55.120.
B. Public hearing - to review and receive public comment on the 2020 preliminary budget and/or parts thereof as submitted by the mayor to the City Council of the City of Dayton - no action
4. Committee/board/commission reports
A. Public Safety - Dain Nysoe
i. Code compliance update
ii. Fireworks ordinance update
iii. Update regarding request to eliminate semi-truck parking on residential streets
iv. Consider request for installation of streetlight at 1114 S. 3rd St.
5. Reports of city officers
A. Public Works - Jim Costello, Director
i. East Clay Street improvement project
B. Planning and Community Development - Meagan Bailey, Director
i. General update
a. ACTION: request appointment of City Council member to serve as Chair of the Affordable Housing Commission per DMC 1-10.020(B)
ii. ACTION: consider adoption Ordinance 1955, adopting the 2019 Comprehensive Plan
iii. ACTION: consider adopting Ordinance 1956, amending the docketing provisions within Title 10 of the DMC in conjuncture with the comprehensive plan update
iv. ACTION: consider adopting ordinance 1957, adopting zoning amendments within Title 11 of the DMC in conjuncture with the comprehensive plan update
v. ACTION: consider resolution 1398, declaring intent to adopt legislation to authorize a sales and use tax for affordable and supportive housing per SHB 1406
C. Mayor, Zac Weatherford
i. Wastewater treatment plant project
ii. City receives AWC RMSA Award and $500 loss prevention project grant
6. Unfinished business
7. New business
A. Special city council meeting scheduled for Nov. 20, 2019 - Public Hearing - City of Dayton 2020 budget
8. Final public comment
9. ACTION: adjourn
Next regular meeting is December 4, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at 112 S. 1st Street, Dayton, WA 99328.