November 14 2018 Agenda


111 S. 1st Street, Dayton, WA 99328



Wednesday, November 14, 2018

6:00 p.m.

Craig George, Mayor


A. Roll Call


A. Approve City Council Minutes -

i. September 12, 2018

ii. October 10, 2018

B. Approve of Voucher Warrants as audited by the Finance Committee: $

C. Approve of Payroll Warrants for October 2018: $

D. Accept Laura Aukerman’s Resignation from the Dayton Planning Commission effective 10/16/2018

E. Confirm Mayor’s appointments to serve on the Dayton Planning Commission:

i. Alicia Walker – November 15, 2018 - March 2020; and

ii. Kari Dingman - November 15, 2018 – March 2022.


A. Susan Schlenz – Discuss Cornnaggia Addition: Property owner responsibilities and City responsibilities

B. Public Hearing: Revenue Sources including proposed property tax increases

i. ACTION: Authorize Resolution No. 1355, authorizing a regular tax levy for 2019 as presented.

C. Public Hearing: 2019 Preliminary Budget – No action.


A. Dayton Swimming Pool Facility Condition Assessment Report - Parks/Public Grounds


A. FEMA Street Repairs Project – Jim Costello, Public Works Director

B. W. Washington Street Improvement Project – Jim Costello, Public Works Director

C. Code Compliance Focus – Meagan Bailey, Planning Director



A. ACTION: Discuss Ordinance No. 1939, an Ordinance amending certain sections of Title 6 of the Dayton


Adopt Ordinance No. 1939 as presented; or,

Refer Ordinance No. 1939 back to Dayton Planning Commission for additional review and/or


B. ACTION: Discuss Ordinance No. 1940, an Ordinance amending certain section of Title 21 of the Dayton

Municipal Code, Code Compliance:

Adopt Ordinance No. 1940 as presented; or,

Refer Ordinance No. 1940 back to Dayton Planning Commission for additional review and/or


C. ACTION: Authorize grant agreement with the Washington Office of the Secretary of State, Archives and

Records Management Division for the Local Records Grant award totaling $9,678.35

D. ACTION: Authorize Service Level Agreement for document preparation and imaging services with the

Washington Office of the Secretary of State, Archives and Records Management Division

E. ACTION: Authorize Public Works Board Pre-Construction Loan Contract to fund allowable preconstruction

activities associated with the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project.



Special Meeting November 28, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Dayton City Hall, 111 S. 1st Street, Dayton, WA 99328



09/12/2018 City Council Minutes

Approved: 11/14/2018

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Regular Meeting

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

111 S. 1st Street

Dayton, WA 99328

1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Craig George calls the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Mike Paris, Matt Wiens, Dain Nysoe, Byron Kaczmarski, Kathy Berg, Delphine


Absent: Zac Weatherford

Staff: Meagan Bailey, Planning Director; Jim Costello, Public Works Director; Trina

Cole, City Administrator


ACTION: Bailey makes a motion; Paris seconds the motion, and the motion carries unanimously

approving the Consent Agenda as presented:

Approval of the July 23, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes;

Approval of the following vouchers for payment:

Claims: 46012-46038; 46055-46086; 46105; 46116-46117 $ 364,920.71

Payroll: 46039-46054;46087-46103; 46106-46115 $ 80,880.50

Total $ 519,115.37;

Confirm Mayor’s authorization of a contract with Correct Equipment Co., Inc., to

repair/replace Water Well 2 and 3’s Chlorinators;

Authorize Resolution No. 1349, Interfund Transfers in support of the 2018 Budget (Park and

Cemetery Equipment Replacement Reserves);

Proclaim September as Children Cancer Awareness Month;

Confirm Mayor’s authorization of a contract with College Place Heating and Cooling to replace

the Wastewater Treatment Plant digestor boiler;

Confirm Mayor’s authorization of a contract with Mark Lanning Tree Service to remove tree

limbs and its debris from one Main Street Sycamore tree located near 338 E. Main Street; and

Confirm Mayor’s authorization of a contract with Mark Lanning Tree Service to remove a tree

from the Dayton City Cemetery.


Scott Marinella thanks City Council for trimming the tree in front of his office at 338 E. Main Street.


Public Safety – There is no report.

Public Works – There is no report.

Finance – There is no report.

Parks/Public Grounds – D. Bailey reports: 1) Main Street Tree Committee will be meeting on

September 22 look at the Main Street trees in whole.; and, 2) Dayton Swimming Pool Facility

Condition Assessment will be made available in October and final in November.

Council discusses the fun and excitement that rock painting has provided to our community and how it

has motivated individuals to get out and walk in hopes of finding one. She asks that the Chamber look

at promoting the rock painting program.

George commends the 2018 Columbia County Fair and its festivities.

Planning/Economic Development – M. Bailey reports/summarizes the following: 1) Ken Graham S.

4th St. Short Plat project is complete.; 2) 533 W. Main Street has been stacking its garbage in one of its

Agenda Item No. 2(A)(i)

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car wash bays. It may have proved to create serious health and safety issues but was remedied quickly

by a concerted effort between the City, County and the business owner. She applauds the working

relationship between the City and County to resolve the issues so quickly.; 3) Facebook page has been

created to provide another community outreach opportunity.; 4) Made improvements to the City’s

website specific to planning, building and code compliance services. 5) Researching infill zoning

options for the City.; 6) Progress has been made towards the Comprehensive Plan Update including

conducting scoping meetings and establishing timelines. The next step will be to create a docket list

that will then be placed before Council for their consideration.; 7) Received training from Department

of Ecology on the “Ordinary Highwater Mark” specific to the property located on the northeast corner

of W. Washington Avenue and N. Cottonwood Avenue.; 8) Attended Floodplain Management training

and will be taking an exam on said training at the end of September.

Personnel – There is no report.

Emergency Management – There is no report.

Chamber of Commerce – Berg reports: Dayton on Tour will be the weekend of October 6. This year

will include a tour of downtown vacant buildings to entice potential business owners.

Commissioners – There is no report.


Sheriff – There is no report.

Public Works – Costello reports: 1) FEMA Street Repairs paving portion of the project will begin

September 24, 2018. Berg and D. Bailey compliment the curbing portion of the project. 2) Costello

reports that the street painting crew will be performing painting services September 17. 3) Boiler is

being replaced at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Labor and Industries would not recertify the

existing one.

Planning Director/Code Compliance – M. Bailey reports/summarizes the following: 1) Ken Graham

S. 4th St. Short Plat project is complete and will be filed once surveyor, Brian Martin, provides final

mylar; 2) Code Compliance Focus - 533 W. Main Street has been stacking its garbage in one of its car

wash bays. It may have proved to create serious health and safety issues but was remedied quickly by

a concerted effort between the City, County and the business owner. She applauds the working

relationship between the City and County to resolve the issues so quickly; 3) Facebook page has been

created to provide another community outreach opportunity.; 4) Made improvements to the County’s

website specific to City planning, building and code compliance services 5) Researching infill zoning

options for the City including incentive zoning regulations to offer benefits to developing vacant

spaces/lots; 6) Progress has been made towards the Comprehensive Plan Update including conducting

scoping meetings and establishing timelines. The next step will be to create a docket list that will then

be placed before Council for their consideration; 7) Received training from Department of Ecology on

determining the “Ordinary Highwater Mark” and used the property located on the northeast corner of

W. Washington Avenue and N. Cottonwood Avenue as a learning opportunity; 8) Attended Floodplain

Management training and will be taking an exam on said training at the end of September; and 9)

Planning Commission is working on updating code compliance regulations specific to reducing the

length of time that a vehicle may be parked in a public right of way. Mayor George compliments M.

Bailey for the amount of work she has completed for the City since becoming Planning Director and

thanks her and her staff for their hard work.

City Clerk-Treasurer – Cole reports: 1) Completed an Investment Policy and is currently under

review by the Finance Committee; 2) Working towards completing the 2019 Budget is underway; and

3) Completing final process for closing out various projects such as the Washington/Patit/N. 5th Street

Water and Sewer Projects.

Mayor Pro-Tempore – There is no report.

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Mayor – George reports: 1) Reiterates FEMA Street Repairs will be completed and not later than

October 17, 2018. 2) Inert Waste Site Permit requires a report regarding the site. It is 90% complete

and will be submitted to DOE for inclusion into City’s inert waste site permit application. Cole

summarizes the application process and task requirements association with application; 3) City

received a low-interest loan from Public Works Board/Department of Commerce to purchase property

associated with a new Wastewater Treatment Facility and its components. The loan totaled

$1,000,000. The City has a meeting with a prospective property owner interested in selling; and 4)

Received a request from “The Club” to install a street light and a crosswalk. Discussion ensues

regarding The Club’s programs and public safety needs associated with Cameron Street. M. Bailey

expresses concern with the crossing in conjunction with the industrial zoned area. George directs M.

Bailey to contact Ginny Butler to determine a plan for creating a safe crossing zone from The Club

across W. Cameron Street. Council informally approves contacting Pacific Power to install a street

lamp at about 528 W. Cameron Street.


ACTION: Berg makes a motion; Nysoe seconds the motion to authorize Resolution No. 1348,

authorizing the Mayor to sign an interlocal agreement for Planning Services with Columbia County.

There is no discussion. The motion carries unanimously.


ACTION: Ryan Ortuno, Columbia County Rural Library District and Cole summarize the history

of the City/County library partnership. Kaczmarski makes a motion; Berg seconds the motion to

authorize Resolution No. 1350, authorizing an agreement to transfer of the Hedwig Davis Bequest to

Columbia County Rural Library District. Bailey supports the agreement for transfer. There is no

further discussion. The motion carries unanimously.

ACTION: Nysoe makes a motion; Paris seconds the motion to Resolution No. 1351, amending

Library District Annexation Agreement. Discussion ensues regarding the locations of the

improvements. Motion carries unanimously.

ACTION: Paris makes a motion; Nysoe seconds the motion authorize Change Order No. 3 to the

FEMA Street Repairs Project for additional street curb work. There is no discussion. The motion

carries unanimously.

ACTION: Nysoe makes a motion; Paris seconds the motion to authorize Resolution No. 1352,

authorizing a Public Works Contract with Humbert Asphalt, Inc., to perform pavement repairs on W.

Washington Avenue and N. Cottonwood Avenue beginning at N. Front Street and ending at W. Patit

Avenue associated with the relocation of the street within the public right of way not to exceed the

Lump sum of $55,000 There is no discussion. The motion carries unanimously.


Charles Zickafoose, 721 E. Dayton Avenue, expresses concern regarding the increase in utility bills,

explains the potential negative financial impacts on his personal household, and asks that the Council

consider the rate increase impacts that the wastewater improvements will have on all community

members when moving forward with the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project.

Nysoe states that the Union Bulletin’s article in the newspaper was a wonderful article regarding the

hospital and the Columbia County Hospital System.

M. Bailey expresses support for the Washington Avenue Overlay Project; it supports the City’s proinfill


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With no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting is adjourned at 6:51 p.m.

City of Dayton


By: Craig George, Mayor

Attested: Approved:


_________________________________ ____________________________

Trina Cole, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer Date

10/10/2018 City Council Minutes

Approved: 11/14/2018

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Regular Meeting

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

111 S. 1st Street

Dayton, WA 99328


Mayor Pro-Tem Delphine Bailey calls the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Zac Weatherford, Mike Paris, Matt Wiens, Dain Nysoe, Byron Kaczmarski

(enters meeting at 6:04 p.m.), Delphine Bailey

Absent: Craig George, Kathy Berg

Staff: Meagan Bailey, Planning Director; Jim Costello, Public Works Director; Trina

Cole, City Administrator


ACTION: Nysoe makes a motion; Paris seconds the motion, and the motion carries unanimously

approving the Consent Agenda as presented:

Approval of the August 8, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes;

Approval of the following vouchers for payment:

Claims: 46117; 46135-46189 ` $ 383,110.08

Payroll: 46119-46134; 46190-46218 $ 87,437.27

Total $ 470,547.35; and

Authorize contract with Pacific Power for installation of an LED Street Light at about 528 W.

Cameron Street not to exceed $914.00.




Public Safety – Nysoe reports that he learned that the hanging flower baskets obstruct the Highway 12

crosswalk pedestrian signal creating a hazard for pedestrians. He spoke with Chamber of Commerce

and they are going to look into it.

Public Works – There is no report.

Finance – Kaczmarski reports that the Committee met to discuss the 2019 Budget. Nysoe states that

one of the topics discussed included ensuring that labor was being allocated according to project to

ensure accurate tracking of expenditures.

Parks/Public Grounds – D. Bailey reports: 1) Main Street Tree Committee met, discussed the health

of the trees, the economic and environmental benefits of trees in general, removing the grates

surrounding the tree bases may beneficial and sidewalk heaving may be caused by frost versus tree

roots. The next step will be a follow-up meeting with the Department of Natural Resources; that of

which, Bill Clemens is scheduling.

Planning/Economic Development – There is no report.

Personnel – There is no report.

Emergency Management – There is no report.

Chamber of Commerce – There is no report.

Commissioners – There is no report.


Sheriff – There is no report.

Agenda Item No. 2(A)(ii)

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Public Works – Costello reports: 1) That Humber Asphalt, Inc. will complete the raising of manholes

on E. Washington Avenue, then overlay N. 5th Street from E. Washington Street to E. Patit Avenue, E.

Patit Avenue from N. 5th Street to Seneca Way, and the section of S. 5th St. from E. Washington

Avenue to the railroad tracks; 2) Leaf Pick-up dates and regulations for bagged leaves and the location

to place the bags; 3) Installed “No unauthorized vehicles” signs on levee at Sheriff’s request; 4)

Relocated the pedestrian flashing lights from S. 2nd Street to W. Cameron Street to accommodate

increased pedestrian traffic associated with The Club; 5) Ordered two mesh custom-made covers to

cover the Dayton Swimming Pool tanks. The covers will meet Washington Administrative Code

(WAC) requirements for pools closed in excess of 12 months. Costello was able to save a considerable

amount of cost by going with the mesh covers. Council commends Costello for researching the City’s

options and finding a cost-effective solution to meet the WAC requirements; 6) E. Washington Street

Overlay Project will be completed in the latter part of October; 7) Received a request to re-stripe

parking along N. 1st Street to create additional parking spaces through diagonal parking stalls. He

requests a Public Works Committee meeting. Bailey inquires if there would be expenses associated

with the transition. Costello responds that it would require labor and painting supplies; 8) Dave Elkins

and Rob John attended a Safe Dig Course; 9) Lloyd Fletcher is now a certified water distribution

manager; and, 10) Inert Waste Site Permit Application Report is 95% complete.

Planning Director/Code Compliance – M. Bailey reports/summarizes the following: 1) The Code

Compliance Focus for September was 505 S. 4th Street. The lot was cleared of weeds and Deputy

Sheriff Wiens reports that a junk vehicle was also removed. 2) Planning Commission will hold a public

hearing on proposed Title 6 and Title 21 updates. The most notable update is reducing public right of

way parking to 72 hours. 3) General Updates, i.e. Zoning Changes, Infill Provision Additions – was

presented to the Planning Commission and is under discussion and review. 4) The consultant has

created a Scope of Work for completing the 2020 Comp Plan Update. A copy is distributed for

Council’s use. 5) She is now a Certified Floodplain Manager.

City Clerk-Treasurer – Cole reports: 1) Received a Washington State Department of Archives Grant

Award of $9,700 for digitizing approximately 17,000 city documents. 2) Received a 2019-21 Palouse

RTPO TA Funding Program Grant Award of $211,000 for S. 3rd Street Sidewalk Replacement

Project. She explains that design will take place in 2019 and construction will occur in 2020. 3) There

will be a Special City Council Meeting on November 28, 2018 to receive public input on the 2019

Final City of Dayton Budget.

Mayor Pro-Tempore – There is no report.

Mayor – There is no report.




ACTION: Weatherford makes a motion; Paris seconds the motion to authorize Resolution No. 1353,

amending Dayton Historic Preservation Commission By-Laws. M. Bailey states that the proposed

policy provides concurrency between the By-laws and the Title 5 of the Dayton Municipal Code.

There is no further discussion. The motion carries unanimously.

ACTION: Kaczmarski makes a motion; Nysoe seconds the motion to adopt Docket Item Nos. 1 – 6 to

be processed in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update as presented in the Planning Department Staff

Report dated 09/18/2018. M. Bailey reports that a public hearing was held on the docket items and

cites DMC codes for processing docket items associated with the Comprehensive Plan. There is no

discussion. The motion carries unanimously.

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