July 11 2018 Minutes

Regular Meeting 
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
111 S. 1st Street 
Dayton, WA 99328



Mayor Craig George calls the meeting to order at approximately 7.00 p.m. Roll call:

Present: Mike Paris, Matt Wiens, Dain Nysoe, Bryon Kaczmarski, Kathy Berg

Absent: Zac Weatherford

Staff: Rocky Miller, Columbia County Sheriff; Meagan Bailey, Planning Director; Jim Costello, Public Works Director; Trina Cole, City Administrator


ACTION: Paris makes a motion. Bailey seconds the motion, and the motion carries unanimously approving the Consent Agenda as presented:

  • Approval of the May 9, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes;
  • Approval of the June 13, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes as amended;
  • Approval of the following vouchers for payment:

           Claims: 45802-45809; 45826-45867        $430,889.51

           Payroll: 45810-45825; 45868-45896        $  88, 225.86

                                                        Total         $519,115.37;

  • Affirm Mayor Geoge's Appointments to the Dayton Planning Commision as follows:

           Laura Aukerman - Unexpired Term: July 12, 2018 - March 2022

           Ashley Beebe - July 12, 2018 - March 2021.


Doug Johnson, S. 1st Street, expresses that there are lanscaping issues associated with the S. 1st Street Reconstruction Project. The planting strip located between the sidewalk and street are not repaired correctly. He thanks the City for attempting to rectify the issue by having the landscaper return and address it, but feels the landscaper did a poor job and the problems are worse. City will contact the project manager to re-address the issue with Smith Brothers, Inc.


Public Safety- Nysoe reports: The City received a request to install ADA parking stalls on Main Street; after examining the parking situation on Main Street, it was determined that there are two ADA compliant spaces near the court house, but the spaces need repainting; and, the City should consider modifying the motorcycle parking located on Main Street at the corner of Main Street and S. 1st or installing ADA space on S. 1st Street of the same corner. D. Bailey expresses concern regarding modifying the Main Steet motorcycle parking area due to it also being Highway 12. There is no action.

D. Bailey recommends that Main Street (Highway 12) be painted. Costello states that is scheduled to be painted in the next few weeks.

Public Works- There is no report.

Finance- George requests that the Council hold a workshop on July 23 to discuss establishing a rate structure that will address infrastructure capital improvement needs,

Parks/Public Grounds- D. Bailey reports that the City is moving forward with forming a committee to study the Main Street tree issues.

Planning/Economic Development- There is no report.

Personnel- There is no report.

Emergency Management- There is no report.

Chamber of Commerce- Berg reports: All-Wheels Weekend had 300 cars and was a success; and 2.) Chamber office is now open Monday - Saturday.

Commissioners- There is no report.


Sheriff- Miller reports that the County hired a new deputy and is hopeful that an additional deputy will be hired on Monday filling all the road deputy positions.

Public Works- Costello reports that FEMA Street Repairs are underway and will be completed by the end of September.

Planning Director/Code Compliance- M. Bailey reports: 1) Property on W. Spring Street has had several piles of junk and vehicles have been removed from the property and weeds sprayed; 2) New members to both the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commissions; 3) Received a request from the Chamber to allow music downtown on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. There is no code against it, but she asked the chamber to be mindful of the noise levels to avoid a nuisance. Wiens recommends that the Chamber contact business owners to avoid opposing music at establishments; and, Qualification submittals for the Comprehensive Plan Update have been received and are being rated for consultant selection.

City Clerk-Treasurer- There is no report.

Mayor Pro-Tempore- There is no report.

Mayor- George schedules a Planning Committee meeting to discuss planning and code compliance contracts for July 13. He reports that then City received a note from Bette Lou Crothers thanking the City for its help during All-Wheels Weekend.



ACTION: Bailey makes a motion; Berg seconds the motion to table the consultant services agreement with ORB Architects to perform Dayton Swimming Pool Facility Condition Assessment until next regular meeting in August. There is no discussion. The motion carries unanimously.

ACTION: Bailey makes a motion; Berg seconds the motion to authorize a cost reimbursement agreement with Seneca Corporation for street improvements. Discussion ensues regarding the locations of the improvements. Motion carries unanimously.

ACTION: Bailey makes a motion; Berg seconds the motion to approve Resolution No. 1345, Certifying that the City meets the requirements to apply and accept a Public Works Assistance Account Low-Interest Loan for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Land Acquisition Project for up to $1,000,000. There is no discussion. The motion carries unanimously.

ACTION: Nysoe makes a motion; Paris seconds the motion to approve Resolution No. 1346, certifying the preparer of the Washington State Public Works Assistance Account Loan Application for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Land Acquisition Project. There is no discussion. The motion carries unanimously.


Nysoe commends the Columbia County Sheriff's Office for catching the individual that was peering into resident's windows along S. 1st Street.

Paris thanks the Columbia County Sheriff's Office for assistance during the recent pedestrian versus car accident that he was involved in.


With no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting is adjourned at 6.45 p.m.


July 11, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes PDF