
Flood Preparedness

Flooding in Dayton and the Community

Historically, the community has experienced numerous flood events, sustaining millions of dollars in damages. While some of these damages are not preventable given the unpredictable nature of flood behavior and the ever-changing global climate, the City recognizes the importance of providing educational resources to assist in mitigating for flood damages. Within the City of Dayton there exists known and unknown flood hazards, including those that are identified within the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM's). While it is impossible to mitigate for all flood risks, the City encourages all residents, including those not within a designated floodplain, to review and understand the below information.

Before the Flood

A flood is defined as the overflowing of water onto lands that are normally dry. Floods can occur rapidly or build up over time. Historically, our local flood events have been caused by increased rainfall and/or excessive snow melt in the Blue Mountains. Flood events cause extreme damages to both public and private properties and can cost thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to restore. Preparation for a potential disaster should be implemented in all households. The following are recommendations to consider implementing within your household to aid in your ability to be best prepared. This is not an all-inclusive list to what someone could do to protect themselves and their properties from a flood event.


What to do before a flood

Be Flood Smart

During the Flood

Grab and go! The safety of our community and its members is the number one priority of the City. Grab your Go Kit and follow the steps in your emergency plan as quickly as possible. Evacuate immediately if you are directed to do so. Do no travel through flood waters or travel around barricades. Running flood waters can pose unknown safety concerns, and barricades are placed on purpose by local officials. Avoid driving over bridges where water is moving quickly - structural damages can occur quickly during a flood event. Stay up-to-date through the Code Red notification system and by reviewing this website for updated News & Announcements during the event. Additionally, City Hall will be staffed at all times during an event and can be called for information if necessary. Stay Dry, Stay Safe, and Wait it Out.

After the Flood

Returning home after a flood can be very difficult. The following are recommendations on steps to take post-flood.


Be Flood Ready

Be Prepared for a Flood



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